Thursday, 10 January 2013

My Ident

      All films whether independent or from The Big 6 use an ident. A short animation, some music and often text is used to show the audience the production company, before the opening title to the film. Idents from the Big 6 are usually grander, with more statement to enhance the fact it is a larger distribution company. Although independent companies can create just as good idents, maybe in a more subtle way usually because of their budget.

      For example, the ident belonging to 20th Century Fox is very powerful by use of its music, structure and colour scheme. Gold is a bold, rich colour implying worth, due to it being very well known. The view sweeps around the text as it becomes clearer and written as a whole as the fanfare and spotlights on the oversized studio name becomes as iconic as they we know in movie theatres.

      In contrast, here is the ident for a considerably smaller, not so well known ident, Bad Robot, an American film and television production company owned by J. J. Abrams and Bryan Burk. Although having taken ages to plan, prepare, design and construct, it is only 2 seconds long and features little sound. Simplistic sound creates a subtle effect yet it is still a great ident. At the end, a group of children say the name of the company after hearing scurrying as the robot nears us.


      To start making my ident I first had to decide on a company name. After a few deliberations and many pages of paper used for design I chose Inkjet Corporations. Once I had decided on the name I then drew a few more designs. From the name I decided I wanted ink pouring over a page, as the writing appears and the music to fit with the feel of ink. I began on a powerpoint document creating designs and ideas, then progressing to FinalCutPro to sort through the animations. I was happy with the selection, but now of course do wish I had had done it myself - if only I had the art skills...!                            

      After having a play around with the some of the effects I found the Splash Ink effect, I edited and put together each scene I sorted the timings for the music. Of course it wasn't long enough so I had to copy it, cut it perfectly and using the correct tools had to make it fit perfectly so it flowed and anyone would think it were one piece. 


      In my ident I wanted the name of the production company to follow the short clip of footage. By doing it this way the production company name is the last and most memorable thing the audience will see. Also the short animation before will stick in people's minds so that they can put both the footage and the name together. I wanted to keep the whole ident simple so I decided on just having the company name at the end, in the same font. Below is my completed ident;

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