Thursday, 17 January 2013

Ideas 15th January 2013

25 Word Challenge = High concept film.
Treatment - Film idea.

Taken for funding, including a page on synopsis of idea and 10 pages of sample scenes.

      For Amelia Western, what she thought to be an old trip through time, ends up opening
 haunting flashbacks of a past she never knew existed.

      Today we have given more thought into the idea of using a photo and scratching out the eyes of one person. We are thinking a picture of two young girls, only one with her eyes having been scratched out and the girl in our title sequence to be holding this, the other possibly being her sister. The inspiration of this having come from The Others and Insideous. (Another idea of my own was to combine two photo's together, one being solid and the other having a lower hue so that they appear to be ghost-like in the photo. I am as we speak working on Photoshop trying to do this)

     On the same topic I would really like to use and interpret the scene from Woman an Black (as mentioned in a previous post) where we see a figure appear over the shoulder of our main character. Yet all this is to be finalised and thought through.

     Something else we covered today was the plan for character names. Amelia Western and Esme Waters work quite well and appear to be popular.

      After a small group critique we noted down a few ideas and one person mentioned that our protagonist could suffer from amnesia. I guess this could work and be quite believable, but it just isn't the plot myself and Bex were aiming for. Also a few people mentioned she could have had a past life, which I thought quite interesting. This led to another life, to another character, to a possibility of a sister and this relating to the photo of two young girls.

      We also defined the location for our title sequence which will be the Pier in Clevedon. It is over 150 years old and usually fairly quiet. It is a lovely Pier with some great features. 

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