How does your media product represent
particular social groups?
Overall, Bex and I tried to make our protagonist similar to certain social groups, yet fairly different at the same time. Because of the voice over, she appears as a shy girl, one who cannot talk directly to people. She also moves quite slowly throughout, as if she is in deep thought or worried. This works well with the thriller genre and a stereotypical female character, something we wanted to keep.
Mise-en-scene; Costume
Old photograph
Mise-en-scene; Costume
Old photograph
Bex has very elegant, stereotypically neat feminine handwriting which worked really well with the sense of old memories and how people used to write, as well as working with the quiet female stereotype that we tried to remove.
For as long as possible I wanted to hide her face, which also allowed us to vary our camera angles. This was mainly because of the build with mystery and the audience not being allowed to see her face yet, or be able to connect properly with her. So right up until 1:12, no shot exists of her face on. At the beginning I focused on her walking away from the camera, and with the photo later at her feet. This creates a real mysterious effect, and represented the social group because it shows her to be quite secretive and her not wanting people to see her face, who she is, or what she is doing. Overall, the particular social groups our media product presents is the typical teenaged girl. However we did not present her as 'too girly', but dressed her in every day comfortable clothes, with limited make-up and her hair down. We did this through use of camera angles and shots to display her facial expressions and distant mood, and also through use of mise-en -scene.